Personal Matters / Status
Employment / Profession
- Labor law
- Employment contracts
- Bonus law / compensation systems
- Employment permits / residency permits
- Termination / dismissal / non-competition clauses
- Labor disputes / representation in employer bankruptcy proceedings
- Spousal employment
- Erhebung oder Abwehr von Verantwortlichkeitsklagen
- Freelancer advising / advising for post-retirement work
Corporate / Entrepreneurial Advising
- Crisis consulting in unusual incidents and daily business
- Divorce in the case of entrepreneurs / corporate succession
- Disputes with fellow shareholders / voting out of board members
- Company crises / preventive counseling
- Representation in corporate bankruptcy proceedings / defense with regard to directors’ and officers’ liability and liability due to old age and survivors’ insurance (AHV)
- Evaluation of domicile / tax-related domicile/li>
- Special domiciles / consulting
- Persons in residence during the work week and domicile-related proceedings / double-taxation
- Second domicile
- Implications for cross-border commuters
- Representation of Swiss citizens abroad
- Rents / rental agreements / rent adjustments
- Acquisition of residential real estate
- Single-family homes / two-family homes
- Condominium ownership (Stockwerkeigentum, StWE)
- Real estate taxation
Concubinage / Blended Families
- Consulting on cost-bearing and cost-contribution
- Domestic partnership agreements
- Retirement planning
- Wealth succession
- Marriage support within international context
- Matrimonial property rights / marriage contract
- Inventar über eingebrachtes Gut
- Change in porperty regime / division of marital property
- Most favorable treamtment of surviving spouse
- Legal separation / divorce / joint parental custody / alimony
Registered Partnerships
- Registration of partnerships
- Consulting on cost-bearing and cost-contributions
- Retirement planning
- Wealth succession
- Investment consulting / investor protection
- Retrocessions
- Direct + indirect real estate investments / acquisitions + sales consulting
- Art law
- Defense against compulsory enforcements (debt enforcement, realization of pledged property, foreclosure, bankruptcy)
Retirement Provisions
- Consulting on retirement provisions
- Old age and survivors’ insurance (1st pillar) / supplementary payments / consulting with regards to conflicts
- Employment-related pension provisions (2nd pillar) / favorable treatment / assertion of claims
- Individual pension provisions (pillar 3a + 3b) / favorable treatment / assertion of claims
- Powers of attorney and execution for retirement provisions
Social Commitment
- Gifts / conditional gifts / donations / advance inheritance
- Consulting in regard to donations
- Foundations
- Foundation formation
- Foundation management
- Trusts
Inheritance Law
- Estate planning (wealth succession)
- Wills / inheritance agreements / inheritance renuncaiation
- Entrepreneurs’s wills
- Preferential treatment of spouses / preferential treatment of domestic partners
- Real estate succession
- Artists’ estates
- Disabled persons’ will
- Wills / inheritance agreements / inheritance renuncaiation
- Securing or disclaiming of an inheritance sequence
- Probate proceedings / certificates of inheritance
- Arrangement of inventories for verification purposes / public inventories
- Administration of estates
- Division of estate (when initiated by one heir or all heirs)
- Mandates for executors of a will / support for layexecutors of a will
- Action under law of succession
- Action for recovery of an inheritance
- Actions claiming lack of validity
- Actions in abatement
- Actions for hotchpot
- Actions for partition
Old Age
- Patient decrees
- Advance care directive
- Protection of adults
- Supplementary benefits
- Obligation to support family members
- Contract review
- Review of employment contracts / review of job references
- Review of purchase agreements
- Review of rental agreements
- Review of wills
- Contract review
- Contract administration
Taxation / Custom duties
- Taxation of private parties and selfemployed individuals
- Inheritance and gift taxation
- Taxation with regard to property taxes
- Withholding taxes
- Flat-rate taxation
We aid private clients in all of life’s situations:
- employees, expatriates, personal abroad
- freelancers
- investors
- individuals of independent means
- advice for private individuals
- professional investors
- top executives, management
- entrepreneurs